If you enjoy photography, you can turn your hobbies into money online. Earn money by selling photos on Photo Stocks. Many photographers use this opportunity to make money. Photos on Photo Stocks are sold at a symbolic price of 1$, depending on size, but the most of the income comes from quantity of selling the same photo.
Photo stock is not just extra money, but an opportunity to earn through photos a few thousands of dollars a month. All you need is a digital camera, computer and access to the internet. While working with photo stocks you'll be surprised at how easy to sell your photos and make good income. This is a very interesting kind of work at home online.
After trips to different places where you've made good photos and by returning home you can place them in photo bank. After that, each picture starts to earn you money, sometimes selling the same picture for an unlimited time; your earnings will grow accordingly to the number of images for sale.
There is high demand on such subjects as: flowers, sport, business, health, views from the airplane, people nature, cats, dogs and much more.
To attend popular photo stocks you have to pass entrance exam. It is necessary to provide the best of your photos on variety of topics that can show your level as a photographer. Only after successful passing you can proceed with the sale of photos. If you want to sell photos that were provided for the exam then you have to upload them again. It’s very important to pass entrance exam, if you expect a high level of income.
Photo stock takes small commissions from your sales, but if you give exclusive rights to photo stock to sell your photos than your share may increase.
Here some popular Photo Banks which you can start your business with:
Getty Images - Extensive, general stock agency representing the work of over 1000 photographers, worldwide. Search, purchase, and download online.
Deposit Photos - One of the fastest growing photo stock supplier on the Internet, adding every week hundreds of the most gifted photographers and artists. Contains the best inventory around at the lowest prices ever seen in the business.
All photos must be maximum quality in JPG format and size about 3 MB, depending on the image. Use Photoshop for color correction and retouching. Also you will need to fill meta tags of your JPG file: title, description and keywords.
Quality of the photos should be in Actual Pixels. Photos should be sharp and correctly exposed.. There should be no artifacts - squares, half-tones and re-sampling circuits that appear from JPG-compression, should be no noise, so photo should be taken with minimum sensitivity.
You can upload photos through http form or FTP access. After uploading you should go to your account on website and assign headings for your pictures.
To increase your sales use tools such as Gallery and Lightbox, each photo bank has its own search engine that searches description and keywords of photos. Try to position your image in the top positions in search by using right key words. Analyze the results, which photos photo stock recommends to see further; if a buyer looks at the current picture. Combine your photos thematically and regularly update your gallery, usually photo banks focus on new photos when sorting search results.
Also you will need to setup payment processing options for your account to receive your earnings. Most of photo banks work with payment systems such as: Skrill, PayPal and Payoneer.
Enjoy successful business with Photo Stocks!
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